Welcome beloved sister,
My name is Elly Ariella. I am so glad you are here.
I am author of the Wild Women of Mother Earth oracle deck. This deck is a reflection of my deepest passion and soul mission to empower women worldwide. To remember women how sacred they are.
I believe the medicine that this world desperately needs is YOU.
Is us WOMEN.
A lot of women are disconnected from nature and because of that disconnected from their body, from their WOMB SPACE; There where the power of a woman lies.
Being disconnected from your pelvic can lead to feelings of unsafety, feelings of unworthiness and feeling drained instead of feeling deeply nurtured.
A lot of women are stuck in survival modus. Taking care of everyone but themselves.
Being the good woman. Doing what is expected. Struggling alone.
Cursing their own body's instead of deeply loving and honoring their body temple
But let me tell you there is so much more....
Are you ready to transcend the expectations imposed on you as a woman?
Can you feel a sense of untapped power and potential humming deep within you?
There is forgotten ancient wisdom about what it truly means to be a woman, that I feel every woman should know about. I would love to share this with as many women possible.
I love to help you awaken parts of your femininity that have been sleeping for far too long.
Come with me on this journey..........

Elly's passion and medicine is crafting deep healing and empowering ceremonies, trainings and retreats for women to feel, awaken their inner power, creativity and wisdom. She loves to bring women together to let them experience the power of sisterhood. She found this calling in 2018, when she started creating the unique and touching Wild Women of Mother Earth Oracle deck with more than sixty women.
On this website you can find all the magical, loving activities & projects she has to offer.
"I enjoy to spread seeds of love everywhere I go. This seed will slowly open up your heart and then nestle in the deep dark fertile soil of your womb, were it starts to work it's magic. With enough love and attention a flower starts to grow. This flower is more beautiful than you could ever imagine – it will bring infinite light into this world".