More about me

For a long time, being a woman was accompanied by challenges for me, such as pmdd (severe form of pms) symptoms and fertility problems. My body triggered me tremendously and invited me to go deeper. Further and further into my pelvis and womb space. Wow, what a lot of pain was stored in there, but also the most beautiful treasures and creations emerged! It led me to coming home to my own safe and sacred space.

During my healing journey I discovered that my complaints were largely caused by fearfully suppressing parts of my womanhood, trauma stored in my womb and not living in harmony with my cycle and natural rhythm. I was always asking more of myself than was good for me. I could not listen to my body and was unable to set boundaries for a long time.

 Various shamanic sessions, trainings and rituals brought me ever closer to who I really am and what I have to bring to this world. My healing journey transformed me from being anxious, insecure and not fully present in my body, to coming home to my power centre: my womb. This put me in touch with my deep inner knowing and inexhaustible creative power, which now allows me to continue to heal myself and create the life of my dreams. I love to pass on this gift.

One of the medicines that has come my way that has really helped me move forward is Sisterhood. So what is Sisterhood? Women coming together to support and celebrate each other unconditionally. Without judgments and without masks. You are completely welcome to be who you are as a woman! With all your light and all your dark sides. Sisterhood is a mirror to get in touch with your true source: love! The moment I realized that I didn't have to do it all alone anymore, something essential changed. That's how my soul creation: Wild Women of Mother Earth was born. Created in collaboration with more than 60 women. And it now travels with me in many women's circles at home and abroad.


So it can't be helped that Sisterhood is woven into my work. I love to pass this medicine on to as many women as possible!

My sisters have given me the wings I needed to fly!


As a priestess, I love to work with rituals and anything that can reconnect you with your true self and the source of love that is always there. As a dancer, I like to reconnect you with your inner child, your passion, your inner fire. Dance for me is an expression of the soul. Also, as a shamanic breath practitioner, I like to integrate breath into my work. Breath brings life. Breath possesses great healing power.

We need rituals.We need community. We need to express our emotions. Or we will wander aimlessly. Out of or bodies and unconnected.


As a Womb keeper, I love working with womb release & transformation, womb blessings and rituals to remind women how magical they are. I like to remind them of the spiritual power and wisdom that our natural cycle offers us.

I guide women to continually sink a layer deeper into their power of creation and transformation. To come home to our feminine capacity to reside in surrender and be born again and again in the truest version of our deepest being. For me, there is nothing more beautiful than witnessing a woman awakening into her true natural feminine power.

I want to make the world a little better by bringing community and rituals back to the people. So that we may again feel inspired in life and reconnect with Mother Earth and each other.


Come with me on the journey, sister. You do not have to do it alone. We do it TOGETHER.